urquiza.com | Tango Blog by Chiche Núñez
TANGO TANZEN, LERNEN UND ERLEBEN! in Berlin Prenzlauer Berg. Urquiza, Tango Argentino
Tango, Berlin, Urquiza, Kurse, Workshops, Milonga, Chiche Nunez, Pfefferberg, Tango Argentino, Tango Berlin, Tanzen
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Tango Blog by Chiche Núñez

Here you can find my comments and answers to some of your questions!

Welcome to our Urquiza Tango Blog about Tango Argentino and the Urquiza Still
Written by Chiche Núñez

During my many years of experience with Tango Argentino, I was repeatedly asked questions by friends, colleagues and students that erode the connections in this dance. Some of these questions I will pursue in this blog. I will try to answer them through my memories, through anecdotes and the passing on of the stories that were presented to me.

This blog does not aim to present answers carved in stone, but rather to address curiosity and start the discourse. Because tango is also (above all?) that: dialogue, interpersonal exchange and the narrative from a past that has disappeared and at the same time accompanies us through the notes. I hope to be able to answer new questions again and again and also to gain new insights into timeless topics with your help.

Let’s talk about the tango, argue if necessary and keep the conversation alive. We prefer to meet at the milonga, at the table of old friends. I will wait for you!

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The latest Urquiza Tango blog articles will follow first. We hope you enjoy reading and look forward to your messages and feedback as well as new questions for new blog articles at Chiche Núñez