urquiza.com | Tango Argentino courses in Berlin
Tango Argentino Dance School in Berlin Prenzlauer Berg. Courses, workshops, private lessons, milonga and shows
Tango, Berlin, Urquiza, Kurse, Workshops, Milonga, Chiche Nunez, Pfefferberg, Tango Argentino, Tango Berlin, Tanzen
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Tango Argentino in Berlin

Learn and experience tango dancing with Urquiza on courses, workshops, private lessons, prácticas, milongas and shows in Berlin Prenzlauer Berg

Wellcome to Urquiza Tango Berlin!

We offer traditional Argentine Tango dance lessons, where you will not only learn to dance. The lessons are accompanied by the stories and tales of the old masters, which complement the lessons with the cultural and social background of Argentine Tango.

In addition to courses, workshops and private lessons, we regularly organize special events in Berlin such as our summer milongas and theater tango shows and performances. Have fun by tango!

Tango course program from January 7 to March 20, 2025

Tango courses, workshops and private lessons in Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg

Lavinia und Chiche Núñez,

Tango Privat classes in Berlin and Werder (Havel)


Thanks to their personal character, private lessons offer students the opportunity to develop faster and find an authentic style. Private lessons are also useful for beginners, as they offer a faster and more well-founded introduction to the forms of movement of tango. You are welcome to request a private lesson with one or two teachers.

Tango Workshops in Berlin
Tango Argentino Berlin Salon Urquiza



In addition to regular tango lessons, we offer thematic workshops several times a year in Berlin and Potsdam for anyone who would like to delve deeper into certain aspects of tango: questions of style, milonga & vals, sophisticated figures and much more are on the program.

For further information and booking please contact us by email: tango@urquiza.com

Tango Kurs buchen!
Tango Kurse in Urquiza Tango Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg für Alle Stufen



At Urquiza, you will experience a very clear structure in our tango courses with a well thought out and consistent program of all content. Learning with a lot of experience and a pinch of humor awaits you!

Prices, course description and schedule can be found in our booking system before your booking.

Individual appointments are possible by arrangement.

please check the confirmation mail and the home page for any deviating course day!

Tango shows, open air summer milongas and other special events in Berlin and around

Tango Tanzen in Berlin
Im Sommer am Pfefferberg tanzen wir an ausgewählten Sonntagen auf unserer traditionellen Milonga im Glaspalast

Tango Dancing in Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg


Our Urquiza Milonga takes place in the heart of the capital, protected by a glass roof and embedded in a cozy beer garden… New Milonga dates here!

Tango Show buchen!
From Borges to Piazzolla Tango Show



For all those who not only want to dance tango, but also want to see it on stage in all its glory: our production “De Borges a Piazzolla” will be back at the Pfefferberg Theater in autumn 2025. More information to follow!

Picture Copyright Günther Dorn – fotomensch

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