urquiza.com | Tango Argentino in Berlin
Tango Argentino Tanz Schule in Berlin Prenzlauer Berg. Kurse, Online Unterricht, Reisen, Privatstunden, Workshops u. Auftritte
Tango, Berlin, Urquiza, Kurse, Workshops, Milonga, Chiche Nunez, Pfefferberg, Tango Argentino, Tango Berlin, Tanzen
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Learn Tango Argentino in Berlin, on Tango Tours and online

Learn and experience Tango Argentino dancing in Urquiza in Berlin Prenzlauer Berg with Lavinia and Chiche. Courses, workshops, private lessons, milonga and shows etc.

Learn to dance tango in courses, tango workshops and private lessons in Berlin

Tango tours in Europe and Buenos Aires

Dance Tango at Milongas and Tango Shows

Tango in Berlin!
Lavinia & Chiche Núñez unterrichten in Urquiza Tango Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg Ihre Kurse, Workshops und Privatstunden

Learn tango in Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg


Urquiza, a tango dance school in Berlin, offers regular courses, themed workshops and private lessons in Prenzlauer Berg. We organize prácticas, open-air milongas in summer and present our own tango shows in Berlin theaters.
You can contact us by email or phone with any questions you may have.
Here you can find our complete
See the tango offer for Berlin.

Tango Reise Buchen!
Mache deine Urlaub mit uns in Urquiza mit unsere Tango Reisen in Deutschland, Europa und Buenos Aires

Tango tours in Germany, Europe and Buenos Aires


For all those who want to enjoy the tango with a wonderful time in selected vacation destinations! We take you on a journey. Whether nature and pure relaxation in the picturesque Spreewald, strolling on the island in Werder an der Havel, experiencing culture and pleasure in Tuscany… or dancing in the beautiful Danish north, in the Austrian mountains and last but not least in Rome, where the milongas call every evening!

For a weekend in the city or a real vacation far away, we bring the tango and the good mood with us!

Here you will find the next travel dates and details!

Tango Online Lernen
Tango Argentino Urquiza Style Online Lernen



Online Tango lessons on our Vimeo channel with video material for all levels.
For all those who want to learn at home or can only take occasional lessons with us, but want to go further in the meantime. Since 2019, we have been successfully maintaining our online tango lessons on our Vimeo channel with video material for all levels.
As a student of our courses, you will receive videos on our website with the course program to complement the lessons. In addition, we also supplement the classroom lessons with topics related to tango culture on our YouTube channel.
Here you can find more information about our online learning opportunities

Since 1998 we have dedicated ourselves to the preservation, dissemination and further development of traditional Argentine tango in Europe in accordance with the Urquiza style.

über uns
tango dancer

Lavinia & Chiche Núñez


Dancer and teacher of Argentine tango, representative of the Urquiza style in the tradition of José Brahemcha.

Here is more information about Lavinia or Chiche

Tango Shows und Kunst
Tango als Kunst ist eine Kreative Prozess welche

Urquiza Productions


Wir offer Tango Shows of all formats, upon request with Live Music and singing, in all Europe and in Buenos Aires, for companies and private events.

We produceart films and documentaries with and about argentinian Tango, ourselves and in cooperation with reknown artists.
Weiter lesen…

Tango Kultur
Jose Brahemcha Chiche Nunez Tango Style Urquiza

The Urquiza Style


Ins Leben gerufen in der 40er Jahre von Luis “Milonguita” Lemos und von José “El Turco” Brahemcha weiter entwickelt, unsere Tanz Tradition ist ein weitentwickeltes und konsequentes kulturelles Erbe innerhalb der Tango Welt.
Mehr infos…

Photo Copyright Sergio Engel

Tango location and event rooms

Urquiza is located in the heart of Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg, Schönhauser Allee 175, HH, ground floor on the right. Access through the driveway in 10119 Berlin
Our venues can be reached by underground line U2 (Senefelderplatz stop).


Cafeteria Tango Unterricht Raum von Urquiza und Kurse für Tango Berlin in Berlin Prenzlauer Berg

Our tango classes take place at Schönhauser Allee 175, backyard, ground floor right. Entrance through the driveway next to the flower shop.


Im Sommer am Pfefferberg tanzen wir an ausgewählten Sonntagen auf unserer traditionellen Milonga im Glaspalast

Our Summer Milonga takes place in the Glass Palace, in the beer garden of the Pfefferberg, at Schönhauser Allee 176

Contact us by phone or email

Post Address of Urquiza Tango Argentino in Berlin Prenzlauer Berg

Cafeteria der Via Blumenfisch
Schönhauser Allee 175